15 Spring Color Palettes for your Brand

One of the best ways to convey the personality of your brand is through color. Color works on a subconscious level and is processed faster than words or images. When someone lands on your website, the colors you use create an immediate gut response. This is why choosing colors that fit with the emotions you want to evoke is so important.

Color Saturation & Brightness

Beyond just the color hue, it’s important to also consider other color properties, such as saturation, and brightness.

When a color has high saturation, it is vivid and intense. Low saturation is more dull or muted.

Brightness is measured by how much lightness or darkness a color has. The brightness of a color is changed by either adding more white (light) or more black (dark).

When creating a color palette, choosing colors which are similar in saturation and brightness will help create an overall harmony and balance. The colors will complement each other rather than compete or distract.

Color Palettes by Season

In her book, How to Style your Brand, Fiona Humberstone categorizes color personality into four seasons. This is super helpful in that it gives us a great starting point when building a harmonious color palette.

In this post, I am focusing on the Spring personality and sharing 15 examples of Spring color palettes.

A Spring brand is clear, simple, creative, optimistic, and friendly. Spring colors are light and bright, that can include anything from warm and vibrant to a light pastel.

Spring Color Palettes

I’ve included the HEX codes and a color inspiration image for each palette. Feel free to use one of these color palettes as-is for your visual brand and website, or use as a starting point to build your own.

When choosing a color palette, it’s helpful to first get clear on your brand traits and the feelings you want your brand to evoke. Your visual brand should represent you and your business in an authentic way, while also resonating with your ideal clients.

To get started on discovering your brand traits, download my free Brand Clarity Workbook. It’ll take 30 minutes to go through and by the end, you’ll be clear on exactly how you want your brand to look and feel online.


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